Why Should I Clean Solar Panels with Cleaning Robots?

Solar panels harness the sun’s heat and light to generate sustainable and renewable energy. By converting this energy into electricity, they help reduce electricity costs. Since solar panels are typically installed on rooftops, open fields, or large areas, dust, mud, and pollen can accumulate on them over time. To maximize the panel’s efficiency and extend its lifespan, periodic cleaning is necessary. In this article, we will explain why solar panel cleaning should be done using cleaning robots, providing information about Robsys’ robotic solutions as well.

Why is Solar Panel Cleaning Important?

The lifespan of a solar panel is typically around 25 years, depending on its build quality, workmanship, and installation location. If regular cleaning is not carried out during this period, the energy efficiency will decrease year by year. For Solar Power Plants (SPPs), regular cleaning is essential to maintain high efficiency. Solar panels use their surface to absorb heat and light, which is then converted into electricity. A dirty and dusty surface hinders the panel’s ability to generate power. For the panel to produce its nominal power, no dust, dirt, pollen, or other pollutants should stick to its surface. If not cleaned for an extended period, these pollutants can damage the panel.

To obtain maximum efficiency from the panels and prevent potential damage caused by dirt, periodic cleaning is required. During cleaning, deionized pure water should be used, and chemical cleaners or high-pressure water should be avoided. Also, it’s important not to step on the panels during cleaning. Microcracks caused by pressure can lead to water or other liquids entering the system, causing significant issues for the solar plant.

GES Cleaning Robots

At Robsys, we develop Solar Power Plant (SPP) cleaning robots designed to increase energy efficiency and sustainability. We focus on creating innovative, functional, and technologically advanced robots with high capacity. Our Robsys RTM Series, YTM Series, and DTM Series solar panel cleaning robots offer effective solutions to improve the efficiency of sustainable energy sources.

The RTM series, our latest product developed through extensive R&D work, offers a cleaning capacity of 1-3 MW per day and is equipped with a remote control for easy operation. Its dual-direction system allows detailed cleaning without damaging the panels. Available in both battery-operated and electric models, it is suitable for cleaning solar panels on rooftops, ground installations, gardens, and various projects.

The YTM Series is designed for fixed projects. With its strong build and high cleaning capacity, it can clean up to 2-4 MW per day. The YTM models are equipped with remote control for ease of use and can operate in both wet and dry modes, making them suitable for all types of panels. Despite being designed for projects, they are lightweight and portable, weighing between 80-120 kg.

The DTM Series robots are designed for vertical working systems and are compatible with all solar panel systems. This model features a compact system integrated with pure water, making it ideal for cleaning solar panels installed on roofs, open fields, or in vertical configurations. The DTM series also operates in both wet and dry modes.

Solar Panel Cleaning Robot Prices

To get the most out of solar panels, a cleaning robot can help reduce costs and increase energy efficiency. The price of solar panel cleaning robots varies depending on the model and features. At Robsys, we continue to develop automated cleaning robots that improve energy efficiency and sustainability in solar power plants. To inquire about the prices of our patented products, you can contact us at +90 216 206 00 96, fill out the form on our contact page, or email us at info@rob-sys.com.

Prepared by: Batuhan Mert LAÇİNKAYA
For your questions: batuhanlacinkaya@rob-sys.com
Date: 24.12.2024
